Русский, украинский, польский, чешский, сербский, болгарский и др. славянские языки
Немецкий, идиш, датский, шведский, исландский, нидерландский, африкаанс и др. германские языки
Французский, испанский, итальянский, румынский, португальский и др. романские языки
Латинский и др. италийские языки
Фарси и др. индоиранские языки
Литовский, латышский и др. балтийские языки
Ирландский язык
Прочие индо-европейские
Финский, венгерский и др. уральские
Грузинский и др. кавказские языки
Иврит, арабский и др. семито-хамитские языки
Турецкий, татарский, казахский, монгольский и др.
языки алтайской семьи
Китайско-тибетские языки
Японский, рюкюский и корейский языки
Индейские языки
Остальные естественные языки
Еврейские языки разных семей
Искусственные языки
Which word has the different meaning from the others?
3-101. (a) football (b) swimming (c) basket-ball (d) ruling (e) boxing
3-102. (a) pretty (b) handsome (c) beautiful (d) attractive (e) ugly
3-103. (a) overcome (b) proceed (c) move (d) walk (e) ride
3-104. (a) launch (b) touch down (c) land (d) take off (e) arrive
3-105. (a) attend (b) take part (c) withdraw (d) participate (e) share
3-106. (a) voyage (b) rid (c) flight (d) trip (e) journey
3-107. (a) occasionally (b) normally (c) rarely (d) merely (e) generally
3-108. (a) purple (b) lemon (c) grin (d) pink (e) grey
3-109. (a) beg a pardon (b) apologize (c) be sorry (d) excuse (e) regret
3-110. (a) fit (b) strict (c) powerful (d) able (e) strong
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Choose the word with the closest meaning
3-111. Excuse me, could I put a word in?
(a) interrupt
(b) interfere
(c) disturb
(d) interview
(e) interpret
3-112. The detective hesitated for a moment before he opened the door.
(a) decided
(b) paused
(c) concentrated
(d) appreciated
(e) seized
3-113. He rejected my offer to help.
(a) ran through
(b) took up
(c) put aside
(d) kept off
(e) turned down
3-114. The old man rarely complained about his backaches.
(a) currently
(b) painfully
(c) occasionally
(d) hard
(e) seldom
3-115. Many of the workers were not doing any work.
(a) idle
(b) unemployed
(c) dismissed
(d) irresponsible
(e) lazy
3-116. The parents are trying to persuade their child to go to school.
(a) force
(b) dominate
(c) convince
(d) threaten
(e) obey
3-117. This product is up-to-date.
(a) aged
(b) distinct
(c) competitive
(d) modern
(e) upstairs
3-118. The money paid as a punishment for littering is $500.
(a) reward
(b) price
(c) fine
(d) payment
(e) sum
3-119. It's no use talking to that old man as he is unable to hear.
(a) insane
(b) dumb
(c) crazy
(d) deaf
(e) blind
3-120. He told them of his exciting and dangerous experiences in the mountains.
(a) mysteries
(b) shelters
(c) trips
(d) extensions
(e) adventures
3-121. The warrior raised his shield to defend himself.
(a) secure
(b) rescue
(c) ensure
(d) rely
(e) award
3-122. I am confident that the host team will win the match.
(a) unexpected
(b) surely
(c) hopeful
(d) constant
(e) certain
3-123. The match was postponed because the field was flooded.
(a) put out
(b) put up
(c) put off
(d) put down
(e) put aside
3-124. Every Sunday I go with my mom to the market-place.
(a) commit
(b) accompany
(c) add
(d) compose
(e) share
3-125. The policeman was held up in a traffic jam and arrived too late.
(a) stopped
(b) delayed
(c) robbed
(d) arrested
(e) postponed
3-126. He was sorry about telling the lie.
(a) regretted
(b) confused
(c) disappointed
(d) complicated
(e) retained
3-127. This piece of furniture is quite typical. Don't pay too much for it.
(a) rare
(b) satisfactory
(c) ordinary
(d) natural
(e) ordinal
3-128. Remove your overcoat and sit down a few minutes.
(a) Put off
(b) Put down
(c) Get off
(d) Take off
(e) Take down
3-129. We boarded the bus at Broadway.
(a) got by
(b) got through
(c) got up
(d) got to
(e) got on
3-130. How is Mary doing in her new French class?
(a) getting together
(b) coming on
(c) coming across
(d) getting along
(e) putting up
3-131. It took me more than a month to get over it.
(a) overcome it
(b) recover from it
(c) resist it
(d) restore it
(e) get used to it
3-132. Have you come across a new word in the sentence?
(a) found a new word in the sentence
(b) read the sentence without stopping for a new word
(c) stopped reading when you saw a new word
(d) been upset because you had seen a new word
(e) crossed a new word out of the sentence
3-133. Our son finally got back.
(a) rested
(b) left
(c) returned
(d) recovered
(e) went to bed
См. также тесты для первого уровня (1 2 3),
для второго (1 2 3 4),
для четвертого (1 2 3),
для пятого (1 2 3),
для шестого (1 2 3),
для седьмого (1 2 3),
для восьмого (1 2) и др. материалы по изучению английского языка
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