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АНГЛИЙСКИЕ ТЕКСТЫ о телефоне и режиме дня для I этапа обучения (I-II уровни)

главнаяновоетестысловаризолотые правиламетодикавсе языки по алфавитус учителем или безавтортребуютсядать рекламусайт на иврите
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Искусственные языки

Telephone Calls
(Present Progressive)

Alex: Hello.
Charles: Нi, Alex. This is Charles. I'm phoning from my office. What are you doing (right now)?
А: Oh, nothing much. I'm just drinking a cup of coffee. Аnd what about уоu?
C: Well, I'm enjoying my break. Just smoking a cigarette and reading a newspaper. But in ten minutes I'll have to talk to a customer.
Secretary: Sorry to disturb you, but...
А: Charles, excuse me for a moment, please. My secretary is just coming in. She's bringing a letter for me. Not bad news, I hope. Hold the line... Charles, are you still on the line?
C: Sure, I am.
А: What about a game of tennis this week?
C: That's a good idea, Alex. Can we play on Friday?
А: In the afternoon would be fine.
C: At four o'clock?
А: That's all right. See you on Friday.
C: Bye-bye.

Аnn: Hello!
Helen: Hi, this is Helen speaking.
А: Hello, Helen! How are you?
H: Fine, thanks! And you? What are you doing (at the moment)?
А: I'm just writing a letter to my son Mike. He is on holidays and he's staying with his grandparents. I've just got a letter from him.
H: Оh, lovely. Where do they live?
А: In Cologne.
H: That's a nice town, isn't it?
А: Оh yes, it is. And what are you doing?
H: I'm sitting at home and watching TV. They are showing a film which is quite boring.
А: And what is your husband doing?
H: He's out with some friends.
А: Well, I'll call you back in half an hour.

A Letter to Nelly
(Present Simple)

Dear Nelly,
in your last letter you asked me how I usually spend my day here in Germany. Let me tell you.
I get up at 7 (o'clock) in the morning. Then I make breakfast for my husband and children. My husband leaves the house at 8 (a.m.) and starts his work in the office at 8:45 (a quarter to nine). The children also go to school at 8. Then I always make the beds, do the dishes and clean the rooms.
After that I go shopping. At the lunch time I usually eat out lunch out of home, in a dining-hall or in a cafe(teria), as well as all my family.
At half past four (p.m.) my kids return from school, half an hour later my husband comes back from work, and we have dinner together. After dinner I often play with the children.
In the evening I sometimes work in the garden or help the children with their homework. We have supper at 8. In the evening we watch TV, go to the movies or to the theatre. As a rule we go to bed between 11 and 12.
That's all for today. I hope (that) you will write soon and tell me what you day is like.
With best wishes,

По материалам пособия Б. Хильдебрандт-Доммель "Английский язык 1. SITA learning system"
См. также: английская хрестоматия для начинающих; другие учебные материалы для начинающих; частотное распределение английских слов; английские словари; все материалы по английскому языку.
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